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Fastest growing study abroad consulting service that offers free guidance and advice to students.

About – ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø - ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø

Admissionsdirect - ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø is one of the fastest growing web portal which connects international students with global universities. Its a novel concept to help students who seek admissions for higher studies at colleges  and universities abroad. Students completed their secondary level, diploma and degree education, can opt for their preferred courses at various universities across the world without third party assistance and thus by avoid additional charges.

We are trying to implement a new approach in the field of overseas education against the traditional way of depending educational agencies for admissions. It’s a common belief that such educational advisers can only provide accurate information and quality guidance .Now the scenario has  changed drastically thanks to the advancement in digitization, students ,anywhere in the world ,can choose their courses by themselves online. Admissionsdirect.com provides a platform whereby students can freely connect themselves with their select universities confidently for their admission processes.

The uniqueness of this medium is that students get their offer letters without any consultation charges, which is normally paid at agencies before starting the admission procedure .Another advantage they experience is the application fee waiver with selected Universities . Besides, we offer discounted flight tickets and free accommodation for a particular duration based on Institutions and the country you choose.

Through our wide range of free support services, we guide students to their dream study destination- by helping them find the courses, colleges and universities that meet their expectations and needs-on a global level

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