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Choose your country

Worlds fastest growing study abroad consulting service that offers free guidance and advice to students.

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Choosing a country for higher education is one of the most complicated choices you ever have, some times more complex than finding the right life partner.

There are too many options to consider but it all depends on what exactly you have in mind about studying abroad.


To make it more clear, shortlisting of country can be done once you make up your mind of the following factors such as

Why you wanted to Study Abroad ?

  1. Are you planning to settle down in that country ?
  2. Are you looking for the best quality education in a specific Subject?
  3. Do you plan to complete the course and to spend some time for working Experience?

Once you decide on the above points its easy for you to shortlist the countries as each on the nations have its own immigration policies. Some countries offer you extra points for migration if you study there while some countries wanted you to come back after studies. So based on your ambitions you can shortlist your country and final selection can be made based on the following.

Factors to Compare

Climate of the country and your health

Some students are having health issues while living in cold climate. So for example if somebody wanted to migrate after studies, the first choice is going to be either Canada or Australia. But if he or she having a health condition which doesn’t allow them to live in cold climate, they should better choose Australia where the climate is different.

Tuition Fee

One important factor taken into consideration is the cost involved or tuition fee of the course. The tuition fee in each country is different from other. There are countries which offer you Free Education or  with very less fee and there are countries like Australia and USA which is having high tuition fee. So based on your financial capability you should finalize the destination

Cost of Living

Another important point to be considered is the cost of living. Some countries offer you part time Job to cover your living expenses while come destination allows you to do on campus Jobs only. So cost of living some times becomes a very crucial point to consider. A wrong judgement can force you to drop the course in between if its not properly calculated.

Bank Balance

A crucial one which is one of the most important one to be considered as any mistakes in this can cost you the visa. While all other points can only  interrupt your studies, this one can even stop you flying there. Each country has its own policy for showing the funs for maintenance. For example New Zealand need to show an amount of NZ$ 15000 which is more than 6 months old while UK needs only 28 days old fund. In Canada you have to transfer the living expenses fund i.e around CAD$ 10200. So you have to make the final choice depend on whether you have fund available in your account or in your parents account.

Distance of Travel

Distance of travel is an important factor which could impact the selection of the country. Sometimes students doesn’t want to travel too far from home and wanted to be in a flying distance on maximum 12 hours. In that case locations like Europe, especially UK or Ireland comes first. Second tier countries like Malaysia and Singapore is also become popular while distance makes an impact in considering the location. 

Family Visa

When it comes to Post Graduation, a good percentage of students wanted to apply with their family or spouse.  Countries like UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand gives an opportunity to apply with dependents while Ireland and most of European countries don’t entertain that.

Gap of Education and Re appearance of Examination

There are countries which doesn’t allow too much gap in education but there are some which doesn’t mind the same if you have proper experience. So all these becomes valuable when you make your final decision.

if you don’t know where to start from, you might want to do some research, checkout the details in our websites or call our advisers for more details.

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